Motorcycle Accident Statistics in Utah By Robert L. Froerer on November 19, 2018

Motorcycle accidentMotorcycles are a popular form of transportation. Many motorcyclists prefer riding a motorcycle over driving a car or truck because they offer a sense of freedom and adventure that sets them apart from other vehicles.

Unfortunately, for all the benefits that motorcycles provide, there is an increased risk. Motorcycle accidents are known to be particularly damaging, and, in many cases, deadly. Motorcycles fail to provide the type of protection that is necessary to minimize the risk of catastrophic injuries in the event of an accident.

Here, the experienced attorneys at Froerer & Miles present some motorcycle accident statistics from Utah to show our clients the potential dangers of these vehicles.

How Common Are Motorcycle Accident Fatalities?

The chances of someone being involved in an auto accident is high. In fact, the car insurance industry reports that the average driver files an accident claim once every 17.9 years. Statistically speaking, this means that the average driver will be involved in three to four accidents throughout their lifetime.

Based on these estimates, the question is not whether a driver or motorcyclist will be involved in an accident, but how damaging will the accident be when it does occur?

Fatal accidents are the biggest risk faced by motorcyclists. Because of the lack of protection and safety features, motorcycle accidents are more likely to result in fatalities than accidents involving cars, trucks, or other motor vehicles.

Based on data reported by the Utah Department of Public Safety, there were 273 traffic accident deaths in 2017. Of these, 39, or just over 14 percent, were motorcyclists.

Considering that only three percent of registered vehicles in Utah are motorcycles, it is clear to see that motorcycle accidents carry a much greater risk of fatality than other automobile accidents.

Motorcycle Accidents by the Numbers

Data reported by the Utah Department of Public Safety over the ten-year period from 2007 to 2016 further highlights the potential dangers of motorcycle accidents.

Some of these findings include:

  • Only 2.1 percent of total accidents during the 10-year period involved motorcycles, but motorcycles accounted for 5.9 percent of injury crashes and 14.2 percent of fatal crashes
  • 32 percent of motorcyclists involved in crashes during this timeframe were aged 20 to 29
  • Motorcyclists aged 50 to 54 represented the largest group (12.6 percent) of accident fatalities
  • Motorcycle drivers accounted for 92 percent of those injured in a motorcycle crash and 95 percent of those killed in a motorcycle crash, as opposed to just 8 percent of passenger injuries and 5 percent of passenger deaths
  • The daily rate of motorcycle crashes was highest between the months of June and September
  • Saturdays were the day of the week with the highest number of motorcycle accidents
  • Around 55 percent of motorcycle crashes occurred between the hours of 1pm and 8pm
  • Around 66 percent of motorcycles involved in a fatal crash were traveling 40mph or higher at the time of the accident

Learn More

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident and you believe the accident was caused by the reckless or negligent actions of another driver, you may be due compensation for damages. To learn more about your legal rights after an accident, contact one of the experienced attorneys at Froerer & Miles by calling (801) 621-2690.

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