Froerer & Miles

Collaborative Divorce in Utah

Sep 18, 2020 @ 11:50 AM — by Robert L. Froerer
Tagged with: Divorce

Many people stress about the aspect of settling a divorce because they imagine a costly and contentious courtroom battle. However, divorce doesn’t have to be that way. If spouses are willing to work together to create a divorce settlement that protects the best interests of the entire family, they may be good candidates for a collaborative divorce.

Collaborative divorce in Utah gives spouses the option to divide assets and settle custody arrangements without going to court. The divorce attorneys at Froerers & Miles can help individuals in South Ogden, UT, Layton, UT, and surrounding areas understand the collaborative divorce process so they can decide if it is right for them.

Will I Have Legal Representation in a Collaborative Divorce?

One hesitation that spouses may have about settling a divorce out of court is whether or not they will have legal representation. Understandably, even in a cooperative divorce proceeding, people want to know that they have an attorney that can review all of the terms of the divorce and look out for their best interests.

Even though a collaborative divorce does not require a court trial, it is a legal proceeding, and each party will have legal representation. The primary difference is that the spouses meet together, along with each of their attorneys, to come to a divorce settlement together, rather than battling each other in court.

How Can I Protect My Interests in a Collaborative Divorce?

Even though collaborative divorces do not take place in a courtroom, that doesn’t mean that each party’s rights are not protected. Aside from having a legal representative to present the interests of each party, many other professionals attend a collaborative divorce proceeding.

Collaborative divorces are often attended by divorce financial analysts, therapists, and custody evaluators. These professionals are trained to assist with emotional issues and offer fair financial settlements and child custody agreements that consider everyone’s best interests. These third-party professionals have no allegiance to either spouse. Their job is to help individuals work together to create a divorce settlement that protects each party’s rights while also setting them up for a positive future.

Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce

If spouses believe that they can come together to create a divorce settlement that is right for them and their family, there are many advantages to choosing a collaborative divorce. A collaborative divorce:

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If you and your spouse are ready to divorce, but would like to avoid a long, costly, and contentious litigation, collaborative divorce may be the right option for you. To learn more about how this process works, reach out to our legal team online, or call our South Ogden law firm at (801) 621-2690.