Froerer & Miles

Is Divorce Mediation the Right Option for Me: Consider the Advantages

Dec 31, 2023 @ 10:16 AM — by Robert L. Froerer
Tagged with: Divorce Mediation

Divorce is an emotional time often full of pain, anger, and/or grief. Battling things out in court can add stress to the situation, increase costs, and prolong the divorce process. 

Fortunately, not all couples need to go to court to resolve their issues. Divorce mediation provides an option for resolving divorce issues outside of court. 

At Froerer & Miles, our divorce attorneys assist clients during the divorce process and can help determine if divorce mediation in Ogden, UT, and Layton, UT, is right for you.

What Is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is a process used outside of court to resolve conflict and reach agreement in divorce issues. 

During mediation, a neutral, third-party mediator helps spouses come to an agreement over child custody, the division of property, and other issues that need to be resolved in order to finalize a divorce. 

Mediators cannot force either spouse into agreement and they can’t make decisions for divorcing spouses or offer legal advice. 

The Advantages of Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation has many benefits over going to trial. Although mediation is typically smoothest for those who are willing to compromise and open to discussion, even couples who aren’t on amicable terms can benefit from mediation. 

The following are some of the advantages of divorce mediation to consider when deciding if mediation is right for you.

Less Expensive than Going to Trial 

Going to trial to have a judge decide divorce issues can be an expensive process. Mediation is often significantly less expensive as it doesn’t have the same court costs and legal fees as typically required when a divorce is resolved in court. 

Couples Have More Control

Mediation gives divorcing spouses more control over how things are divided and other issues, like child custody, are resolved. In mediation, both parties must come to an agreement together on an issue. If left for a judge to decide, spouses don’t have control over how the judge will choose to resolve an issue.  


Mediation is a confidential process. There is no public record of what happens during mediation sessions, unlike the pleadings filed when a divorce goes to court. 

Faster Resolution

Divorce mediation can be a fairly quick process when both spouses are open to compromise and willing to communicate. A quicker resolution can help reduce the final cost of the legal fees for divorce and make the process less stressful.  

Child Focused

Divorce mediation is a good option for couples with children who are willing to work together to determine custody arrangements. It keeps custody decisions in the hands of the parents rather than putting them in the hands of the courts.  

A Flexible Option 

Many find that divorce mediation is very flexible, allowing them to go through the divorce process at their own pace and on their own terms. 

Contact the Divorce Lawyers of Froerer & Miles

Divorce is a challenging time for many families. Having a supportive divorce attorney on your side can help get you through this trying time. Contact our Ogden law firm to schedule a consultation