Our Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Get Results

Car Accidents

Car accident victims may assume their injuries and losses will be fully covered by insurance, but this is often not the case. The at-fault driver's insurance adjuster seeks to minimize the claim, or the driver may be underinsured. At Froerer & Miles, we have represented car accident victims for more than 30 years and know how to ensure you get the full compensation you deserve. Count on our experience, resources, and track record of results.

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Motorcycle Accidents

A motorcycle rider is especially vulnerable in a collision with a car, and injuries can be substantial. Insurance adjusters may use unfair tactics to avoid paying full compensation to motorcycle accident victims, but our experienced personal injury attorneys successfully combat these strategies. Careful accident reconstruction helps deter the tendency to blame the biker and accept a careless car driver's excuses. We fight hard for our clients and expect to win.

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Big rig truck speeding along a highway road

Truck Accidents

Commercial trucks are heavily regulated by state and federal government, and drivers and motor carriers are expected to adhere to strict safety standards. Still, there are a significant number of collisions involving these oversized trucks, with consequences that are often devastating to automobile drivers and passengers. If you are a victim of a truck accident, seek legal help from the experienced personal injury attorneys at Froerer & Miles.

Bicycle Accidents

Many local residents enjoy bike riding for exercise, transportation, and sightseeing, but the joys of this activity can also bring pain. Bicycle accidents are not uncommon, and injuries can be severe. Whether a cyclist is struck by a vehicle or collides with an object and is thrown from the bike, treatment and recuperation may be lengthy. Our caring attorneys will help you sort out insurance questions, determine liability, and pursue just compensation.

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Speed boat races along waterway

Boating Accidents

Boating is a favorite recreational activity in Utah given the abundance of lakes and reservoirs. With so many motorboats, sailboats, and other watercraft on the water during summer months, occasional accidents are, unfortunately, inevitable. Negligent use of alcohol is often involved in boating collisions, and innocent victims pay the price. Our attorneys seek justice and full compensation in these cases and any type of maritime injury accident.

Pedestrian Accidents

Utah traffic laws protect pedestrians, who almost always have the right of way. Still, pedestrians are struck in traffic all too often, and a simple mistake by a careless or reckless driver can cause catastrophic injury or even death. At Froerer & Miles, we are dedicated to helping accident victims and their families recover from sudden trauma, helping you to receive rightful compensation for immediate and ongoing losses.

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Froerer & Miles

The attorneys at Froerer & Miles have successfully represented clients in a wide range of practice areas since 1979. Our team of attorneys can protect your best interests in matters related to:

  • Family Law
  • Estate law
  • Real Estate Disputes
  • Business Law
  • Personal Injury
  • Litigation

We offer free consultations and provide honest feedback to potential clients regarding their cases. To request your free consultation, contact us online or call us at (801) 621-2690.

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