Accident Victims May Need A Bodily Injury Lawyer

Accidents and mishaps are a part of life, but fortunately, most of us come through without significant harm. A serious accident is another matter though, and may involve lengthy medical treatment and loss of productivity. If the negligence of another party causes you pain and loss, a bodily injury lawyer can help. In Ogden, UT, and surrounding areas, the personal injury attorneys at Froerer & Miles have been assisting accident victims for more than 30 years, with consistently excellent results.

At Froerer & Miles, we understand the challenges of dealing with a severe accident, and we sincerely care about each of our clients. We work on a contingency basis, so you will owe no legal fees unless and until we collect monetary damages in your case. To schedule your free consultation, contact us today.

Close view of person on gurney with bandaged arm, tended to by a person wearing medical gloves

About Personal Injury Law

When your bodily injuries are the result of someone else's careless or reckless behavior, your losses should be compensated. Accidents can cause injuries that range from minor to catastrophic, including traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. Our attorneys are experienced in handling all types of injuries and securing the compensation our clients deserve.   

In civil law cases, the term, “bodily injury” generally refers to broken bones, sprains, concussions, and soft tissue injuries. These injuries are painful and limit activity, but you will usually heal and be able to get on with normal life. Insurance adjusters will inevitably try to minimize the impact of your injuries in terms of lost time, pain and suffering, inconvenience, and financial costs. It’s often best to speak to an attorney at our firm first, and let us handle the negotiations on your behalf. If we cannot reach a proper settlement, we are willing to file a personal injury suit on your behalf.

 With years of experience and extensive resources, we take on high-powered insurance companies with a strong record of success.

Your Priority: Healing

At Froerer & Miles, our clients' health is always the priority. We understand a motor vehicle or other accident is stressful mentally and physically. We tell accident victims their focus should be on getting better, and a legal case is secondary to this goal.

When you are our personal injury client, we will advise you to see a doctor or chiropractor right away and follow all instructions for treatment. It is important to continue to treat until your injury is completely healed, so it is less likely to cause complications in the future. 

Your Personal Injury Case with Froerer & Miles

While you work on getting well, our firm will be at work on your case. Your attorney will gather evidence from any police reports, paramedics, and witnesses, and work to carefully reconstruct your accident scene. Information is also obtained from your medical providers, with all relevant expenses and diagnoses documented. It is our job to prove liability and damages with a goal of settling your case, if possible.

Because we work on a contingency basis, we take your case because we believe strongly that we can win. Our goal is always to seek full, fair compensation for injuries caused by negligence. With years of experience and extensive resources, we take on high-powered insurance companies with a strong record of success. We are never in a rush to close your case file, since it is important to determine the full extent of damages. We are fully prepared to negotiate with insurance, engage the services of a mediator, or file a lawsuit, if needed.

Contact Us

Froerer & Miles offers the experience you need when you or a loved one is injured in an accident. We expertly handle personal injury and premises liability cases of all types. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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Froerer & Miles

The attorneys at Froerer & Miles have successfully represented clients in a wide range of practice areas since 1979. Our team of attorneys can protect your best interests in matters related to:

  • Family Law
  • Estate law
  • Real Estate Disputes
  • Business Law
  • Personal Injury
  • Litigation

We offer free consultations and provide honest feedback to potential clients regarding their cases. To request your free consultation, contact us online or call us at (801) 621-2690.

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