Our Personal Injury Lawyers Handle All Types of Injuries

Bodily Injury

Accidents such as slip and falls or motor vehicle crashes cause many common types of bodily injuries. These include broken bones, concussions, knee, and soft tissue injuries, which tend to be painful and limit a victim's activities and productivity. It is important to get treatment to ensure complete healing and to avoid lingering problems that can surface later. We put our clients' health first as we assist them in seeking compensation for pain and losses.

Learn More About Bodily Injury
Close view of man's legs with one artificial, attached to prosthetic shoe


Some unfortunate accidents result in a victim losing an arm, leg, finger, or other body part. This type of injury, called amputation or dismemberment, can occur on the job or in a car crash or other incident. Sometimes a limb must be amputated after a traumatic accident because of the degree of injury. Amputations can be life changing in many ways, affecting the whole family. At Froerer & Miles, we fight for appropriate compensation for injured victims.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Head injuries sustained in auto and other types of accidents can be very serious, with long-term consequences for the victim. Sometimes complete healing can be achieved, but in other cases, this is a life-altering injury affecting future employment and much more. A traumatic brain injury victim may require ongoing medical care, which means the family needs a great amount of support. Our attorneys are dedicated to helping victims and families find justice.

Learn More About Traumatic Brain Injury

Spinal Injury

An accident victim who suffers a spinal injury will almost always require extensive medical care, and the need for care may be lifelong. Depending on the extent of injury, the victim may suffer nerve damage, partial paralysis (paraplegia), which effects the ability to walk, or paralysis from the neck down (quadriplegia). Our attorneys leave no stone unturned to fight for clients with spinal injury, winning significant compensation for negligence.

Learn More About Spinal Injury
Depiction of whiplash effects on body


Whiplash is a type of neck injury that commonly occurs after car accidents. Following a forceful back and forth movement of the head, whiplash victims may experience pain, stiffness, headaches, and other debilitating symptoms like depression. Our legal team can help you get the medical attention you need to recover from whiplash and resume your normal life. 

Herniated disc

Disc Herniation

A disc herniation is a rupture of a spinal disc that can occur after an accident or fall. If you are experiencing symptoms such as tingling, numbness, or discomfort because of a herniated disc, it can be difficult to work or participate in other activities. Our attorneys can help you get the medical attention you need and assist you in recovering compensation from the responsible party.

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Froerer & Miles

The attorneys at Froerer & Miles have successfully represented clients in a wide range of practice areas since 1979. Our team of attorneys can protect your best interests in matters related to:

  • Family Law
  • Estate law
  • Real Estate Disputes
  • Business Law
  • Personal Injury
  • Litigation

We offer free consultations and provide honest feedback to potential clients regarding their cases. To request your free consultation, contact us online or call us at (801) 621-2690.

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